Hey guys! I know it’s a LITTLE late, but here is my Jeffree Star Blue Blood lipstick review with swatches of every shade! Listen, this collection launched on March 29 and it’s May 28 today… so yeah, it’s two months late, but I’ve been going through some ish and I’ve had a ton of anxiety and blah blah blah. Long story short, I just didn’t really feel like editing this video until now, so I hope you’ll forgive me, and I hope you’ll still watch this video and maybe even enjoy it a lil bit! ?
I actually had fun filming this, and you almost can’t even tell I was ’bout to have a nervy b! Honestly, I really love filming, because if I talk enough, it drowns out the anxious thoughts in my head. BUT ANYWAYS, that’s enough chatter about stuff no one likes, let’s just get into the Blue Blood lipstick swatches and review, shall we? As always, WE SHALL.
Jeffree Star Blue Blood Lipstick Swatches
Now first, for the lip swatches! The following swatches are all unedited stills from my YouTube video, so if you don’t like them, TOUGH. If you’d like to leave me some hate comments about how ridiculous I look and how bad I am at swatching, I welcome that with open arms ?
Drug Lord

Ice Tray


Blue Velvet





Blue Blood Lipstick Collection Review
And now, for my full review on JSC’s blue lipsticks along with the swatches in motion, which will, perhaps, make the above stills make a little more sense? Prob not, but hopefully you’ll at least get a little chuckle.