Hey guyyyyys! For today’s post, I’m gonna keep it short and sweet since no one reads this blog anyways ?TBH I don’t know why I feel obligated to turn my YouTube tutorials and Instagram posts into blog posts for no one to read, but whatever, I like having a blog so LEAVE ME ALONE (she shouts, to no one in particular).
LMAO ok, anyways, today’s post features my first Jeffree Star Blue Blood palette tutorial, which is a blue (obviously) half cut crease inspired by a makeup look I saw on Mmmmitchell‘s Instagram. Mmmmitchell is OBVIOUSLY a better makeup artist than I could even hope to be, so if anyone is reading this blog, don’t come for me in the comments section, telling me how bad I did, because I already know I’m a puny peasant compared to him. Or on second thought, please do come for me in the comments, so I feel like I’m not just shouting into the abyss for once in my life ?
I’m also giving away a brand new JSC Blue Blood palette, and the full giveaway rules are posted on my Instagram and my YouTube channel, so make sure you’re following and subscribed if you wanna win!
Ok anyways, enough blabbing, let’s get right into this Blue Blood makeup tutorial, shall we? WE SHALL!