Whether you’re looking to conceal your eyebrows for cosplay, drag makeup, or just so you can rock an edgy, avant garde makeup look, keep reading for all my tips and tricks on how to cover eyebrows (with step-by-step pictures and a video tutorial!)

Whether you’re looking to conceal your eyebrows for cosplay, drag makeup, or just so you can rock an edgy, avant garde makeup look, keep reading for all my tips and tricks on how to cover eyebrows (with step-by-step pictures and a video tutorial!)
Hey guys! Here’s a little black smokey eye tutorial for hooded eyes! I’ll walk you through this look step-by-step, with pictures of each step, to help you guys create this smokey eye makeup look on your own. Follow me on TikTok: @Debra_Jenn Table of Contents: See More: Step-By-Step Makeup Tutorials A Smokey Eye for Hooded Eyes? …
LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, I present to you: A St. Patrick’s Day green cut crease eyeshadow tutorial that I shall no longer refer to as a St. Patrick’s day makeup tutorial, because now it’s April, and Sir Patrick is no longer relevant. But I’ll have you know that I posted this look on my Instagram on …
Hey guys! For this post, I wanted to break down how to create a sunset cut crease eyeshadow look, step-by-step, using the original P. Louise palette (and the P. Louise eyeshadow base in Rumour 1, of course). I hope you find this step-by-step eyeshadow tutorial helpful! And don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel, …