Hey guys! Today’s post features the Morphe 15n palette tutorial that I just posted on my YouTube channel! This is also a March BoxyLuxe 2019 unboxing, try-on style video, so if you’re a BoxyCharm subscriber, take a look-see at my video, where I show you how to use all the products that came in this month’s BoxyCharm Luxe box.
Once a quarter, BoxyCharm has a BoxyLuxe box, which you can get for an extra $30 if you’re already a BoxyCharm subscriber. Regular BoxyCharm boxes cost $21 and are already a steal, because you get four to five FULL-SIZE products, which is always valued at over $100. And they’re always GOOD products from top makeup brands, so it’s actually kinda mind-blowing that you can get the BoxyCharm for so cheap! I think the BoxyLuxe is a pretty recent addition, and when I got an email at the end of last year, saying I could subscribe to get a BoxyLuxe once a quarter for $30 more and receive over $250 worth of makeup goodies, I was like SIGN ME THE F UP! ?
So anyways, not spons, but I love BoxyCharm/BoxyLuxe and think it’s a great, inexpensive way to try new makeup every month, but enough chit chat… let’s get into the smokey eye tutorial you guys came here to see! If you like my Morphe 15n palette tutorial/March BoxyLuxe unboxing and try-on, I hope you’ll subscribe to my YouTube channel and follow me on Instagram for more makeup tutorials!
More BoxyCharm Unboxing Videos & Morphe Palette Tutorials: