Sup, broseph! The Becky G x ColourPop Hola Chola collection was the first package I ever got that actually looked like a real PR package, with fun packaging and all that jazz, so I was very excited to receive it and when I put it in action, I was even more excited, because SHEESH it’s a good’n.
Also LMAO I just realized how whack and amateur all my screen grabs look in this post, but tbh this blog is an afterthought for me and I really only do it for SEO purposes (I’ve worked in SEO for over 8 years, so I feel like I have to, ya know?), so I often overlook taking real pictures of the PR packages, palette, and swatches so now here I am, writing this literally 6 months after I posted the YouTube video so… make fun of my whack images if you must; I’ll be laughing with you ?
Will The Becky G x ColourPop Hola Chola Collection Restock?
In a word: no. Sorry, guys. I was really hoping this collection would restock because it shook up my insides with how much I liked it! I really wasn’t expecting the matte eyeshadows in the Hola Chola palette to be as good as they are, but unfortunately, this collection was limited edition and ColourPop even pulled it completely from their site after it sold out.
Sorry for such a major letdown and possibly getting you all excited by putting a restock teaser in the headline… again, I added this section for SEO purposes, so please forgive me and my bait ‘n switch ways.
The ColourPop x Becky G Hola Chola PR Collection
Here are some of my aforementioned whack-ass screen grabs from my YouTube video so you can see what the PR packaging looks like. Wow, what a professional blogger I am!

Nice double chin, Debs! What a great lewk!
TBH since I put off writing this post for over six months and the collection has been taken off the website, I have no idea how much this s#*% cost ? I guess I could go look at the prices I said things were in the video, but that seems like a lot of work for a post that barely anyone is going to read. So if you REALLY want to know the cost of everything in the Hola Chola collection, just watch my YouTube video. Am I providing the best user experience, as I always advise my SEO clients to do? No. But do I care? It’s 2am on a Sunday night (well, technically Monday morning, now), so no, I do not care. Sorry! ?
Read More: ColourPop Animal Crossing Collection: Cutest Collab Yet?
ColourPop Hola Chola Palette Swatches
Here are some more janky screengrabs so you can see the Hola Chola palette and swatches. High quality content is all I bring you!

Watch My ColourPop Hola Chola Tutorial
And now, for the thing you all may or may not have come here for: my Hola Chola tutorial and collection review in video form. Enjoy!